SHARING and CARING…it’s what LIFE is all about!


Unwholesome…A Word We Seldom Use

Posted by on Oct 26, 2022 in Blog, Food for Thought | 0 comments

Unwholesome…A Word We Seldom Use

Question: What is worse than reaching into a bag of deliciously red apples only to find that the one you picked had a mouldy spot? Answer: Biting one that looked great on the outside but was worm-eaten at the core! If you have ever experienced this, I’m quite sure you were quick to dispose of the unwholesome food. Unwholesome…a word we seldom use. By definition it means rotten. (What better word to describe the infamous apple!), and although we may not use it in our everyday...

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Remembering Not To Forget

Posted by on Sep 29, 2022 in Blog, Family, Food for Thought | 0 comments

Remembering Not To Forget

Determined isn’t a strong enough word! Driven? Perhaps. Obsessed? Most definitely. And its unrelenting behaviour proved it would never forgetful! The squirrel had made its intentions known: it wanted the food in the bird feeder and would not stop until it succeeded in getting it! But the bird bath was too far from the feeder, as was the light post. The Nine Bark bush would not support the creature’s weight. And the pole that held the feeder sported a metal, inverted cone that prevented...

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The Solo Reminder

Posted by on Aug 30, 2022 in Blog | 0 comments

The Solo Reminder

♬♬ Hoot…hoot…hoot…hooooot…whooo…whooo ♬♬ It was 5:35 in the morning and the solo call was almost enchanting. Five, six, seven times the call broke the stillness, and I lay semi-awake, listening. Apart from the hum of the fridge, the silence in our trailer seemed to magnify the haunting call, creating a cozy, almost an eerie ambience. And then an amazing thing happened…I found I was listening to an answer! At a distance the reply came:...

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Just Because It Is, Doesn’t Mean It’s Right

Posted by on Jul 31, 2022 in Blog, Food for Thought | 6 comments

Just Because It Is, Doesn’t Mean It’s Right

The end of another summer month is about to descend upon us and I’m finding it hard to believe that four weeks have passed by so quickly. The weather has been perfect most days, friends have visited frequently, a variety of birds have enjoyed our feeders, and chapel ministry has been outstanding. So, thus far, it’s been a wonderful time at our ‘home away from home’ here at Muskoka Bible Centre. Even though this last week has seen me ‘down-and-out’ for several days, I still have a...

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The Voice of the Turtledove

Posted by on Jun 25, 2022 in Blog, Food for Thought | 0 comments

The Voice of the Turtledove

It’s always nice to take a lighthearted journey through nature in the midst of a hectic and sometimes troublesome day. Such moments are like a cool breeze after a long, hot spell and can often be a reminder of the One who, while gifting us with what we call nature, allows us to feel His presence in nature and have a deeper knowledge of who He is as our Creator. “But ask the animals, and they will teach you, or the birds in the sky, and they will tell you; or speak to the earth, and...

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The Hand of God or Mother Nature?

Posted by on May 27, 2022 in Blog, Food for Thought, Quotes | 0 comments

The Hand of God or Mother Nature?

The beauty of spring surrounds us on every turn. As mentioned in an earlier blog, the sounds of birds chirping and geese honking awake the world from a deep wintry sleep. “For behold, the winter is past, The rain is over and gone.” Song of Solomon 2:11 Now that May is almost over and June hovers, I must add yet another sign of spring. Lilacs, apple blossoms, tulips, crocuses, and daffodils each break from their winter home and colour our world with a beauty that often leaves us in...

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