SHARING and CARING…it’s what LIFE is all about!

Remembering Not To Forget

Posted by on Sep 29, 2022 in Blog, Family, Food for Thought | 0 comments

Determined isn’t a strong enough word! Driven? Perhaps. Obsessed? Most definitely. And its unrelenting behaviour proved it would never forgetful! The squirrel had made its intentions known: it wanted the food in the bird feeder and would not stop until it succeeded in getting it! But the bird bath was too far from the feeder, as was the light post. The Nine Bark bush would not support the creature’s weight. And the pole that held the feeder sported a metal, inverted cone that prevented passage to the food! Nothing seemed to be working until the determined rodent tested the branches ofbirds on feeder the Blue Spruce.

Racing up the tree trunk, it tried one branch…no luck…too high. Another branch…no luck…too low. But the third branch held promise. With all the motivation it could muster, this determined, driven, obsessed creature flew through the air spread-eagled like a black furry Superman only to land with a heavy bounce at the foot of the feeder.

Not for a moment did it forget which branch would be the winner! Up it went again. And again its Superman ego superseded its earlier failure, but it still landed heavily in the bushes. Again, and again, and again the self-proclaimed Super-squirrel flew through the air and each time missed the mark.

squirrel on rockResting for a moment on the rock in our garden below the feeders, it flicked its tail in a snappy, arced movement, expressing its frustration. But its tail not only flicked, it swished, much like a dog growling or a horse flattening its ears. By all appearances it was sending us a message: “I’ve not forgotten which branch works; I will succeed!” And we watched with mixed emotions. We had to give this obnoxious rodent credit for its persistence and intelligence, but we really didn’t want it to lead the way for other squirrels to follow suit.

Moments later up the tree it went again. No hesitation, it remembered which branch was the right one! And this time, flying with its newly acclaimed Super-squirrel ego, all four feet landed on the feeder! Stunned, we stood for a few seconds in awe. My first response was, “I’m glad it’s not early July!” I couldn’t imagine how annoying it would have been to deal with this determined creature all summer. Even so, we had to stop it, and fast. Out came the ladder and the clippers, and a husband with a growing animosity toward said squirrel. The branch was shortened and so was the squirrel’s successful endeavours. And sorry, I just have to say it: “Close, but no cigar!”

Throughout this lighthearted tale, I’ve used a word and its derivative that is often part of conversation these days…at least it is in my world. Forget. Whether young or old, forgetfulness is a reality in life for everyone which brings me some comfort in knowing I’m not alone. But even though each one of us has probably forgotten something today, I have found it best not to divulge my shortcomings regarding my memory. So, when my mind goes blank and a name just doesn’t surface, I simply say or think, “I choose not to remember just now.” That really takes the pressure off, and if witnessed by others, most smile with understanding.

But setting the levity aside, I’d like to share what I’ve read recently, things that a person can do to help strengthen the usefulness of the grey matter in one’s head. The Mayo Clinic lists seven helps in detail, but I will abbreviate them. (Feel free to check them out in length.) (1) Include physical activity in your daily routine, (2) stay mentally active, (3) socialize regularly, (4) get organized, (5) sleep well, (6) eat a healthy diet, and (7) manage chronic DSC08353conditions. The challenge is remembering not to forget to make them a regular habit.

And that remark offers the flip side of forgetting… remembering which leads me to my usual pattern of letting God’s Word have the last say.

Consider the sun, the moon, and the majestic stars in the heavens; ponder for a moment the intelligence of the squirrels, the chipmunks, the ground hogs, and the like; stand amazed at the variety of birds that flock our birdfeeders and fill our sky with song; and stare in wonder at the spectacular colours afforded us this season, and you will become a witness to God’s handiwork. All of this and more encourages us to remember God and all His creation, and not forget to worship Him. We cannot help but be filled with wonder and awe at how little we are in this vast universe.

The heavens declare the glory of God,
and the sky above proclaims his handiwork.
Day to day pours out speech,
and night to night reveals knowledge.
There is no speech, nor are there words,
whose voice is not heard.
Their voice goes out through all the earth,
and their words to the end of the world.
In them he has set a tent for the sun,
Its rising is from the end of the heavens,
and its circuit to the end of them,
and there is nothing hidden from its heat.
Psalm 19 1-4, 6

My offerings for a better tomorrow! Hope I made you smile just a little as well as offer you opportunity to pause and think of God.

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