SHARING and CARING…it’s what LIFE is all about!

Harvest of Lies

cover-frontHarvest of Lies is Word Alive Press’s 2016 award-winning novel and is the recipient of the Novel-Contemporary Award for 2017 with The Word Guild.

Deception, lies, revenge, and forgiveness entwine the lives of Spencer and Dianne Ralston.  When Dianne is diagnosed with early-onset dementia at fifty-eight, Spencer’s demand for accountability for his wife’s recently discovered betrayal is rather moot. Only when he is confronted with the consequences of his own betrayal, does he understand true forgiveness and what happens when it is refused.

Author’s Note:

Forgiveness is a gift we choose to give or receive. It is an act of the will. When we are wronged, we make the choice to accept another’s apology and extend forgiveness. When we are in the wrong, we make the choice to seek or accept the gift of forgiveness. Failing to choose to do either is viewed by God as a moral indebtedness, or sin.