SHARING and CARING…it’s what LIFE is all about!

Friends and Friendship, and the Greenhouse

Posted by on May 28, 2023 in Blog, Food for Thought, Friends, Quotes | 2 comments


friends gardeningPlease indulge me for a moment with two thoughts centred around friends and friendship, and gardening.

Thought # 1
In 1982 Jerry and Mary White, a godly couple who love the Bible and all that it represents wrote and published a book entitled, Friends and Friendship: The Secrets of Drawing Closer. Through 1986 to 2005, Jerry was International President of The Navigators in Colorado Springs, CO whose mission is, To know Christ, make Him known, and help others do the same. During my time working for The Navigators of Canada (1992-2004), I met Jerry on several occasions and it was then that I received my copy of Friends and Friendship.

Having read the book some time ago, much of the content has been lost in my brain’s grey matter. However, I do recall that as I read through the book, I repeatedly asked myself: Do I have a friend whose friendship has stood the test of time, a friendship that has survived distance, difficulties, and life in general? According to Jerry and Mary White those kinds of friendships are few and far between, and it’s hard work and determination that keeps such friendships alive.

Thought # 2
Written by Max Lucado, Grace for the Moment is a small devotional I have had for several years. The readings offer short but insightful thoughts to nest in one’s brain throughout the day, and it was on such a day in February that I experienced just that. I read about The Greenhouse of the Heart. Max Lucado challenged the reader to think of their heart as a greenhouse where thoughts are seeds. Some become flowers and some become weeds. He went further and asked the question, “Ever wonder why some people can resist negativism and remain patient, optimistic, and forgiving?” He suggested that it’s the diligent sowing of the seeds of goodness that leads to a great ‘harvest.’ He then asked a second question: “Ever wonder why others have a sour outlook?” And true to form, Mr. Lucado answered his own question: “You would, too, if your heart were a greenhouse of weeds and thorns.” Like I said, insightful thoughts to nest in your brain throughout the day!

Friends and friendship, and gardening. What is the common thread between these two thoughts?

In 1999 Doug and I celebrated our 34th wedding anniversary in March. During that time we were supporting a close friend who I worked with and who was going through a personal crisis. Our resulting friendship saw us not only working together but enjoying each other’s company at Christian women’s retreats, shopping together, and most assuredly laughing and often crying together, and yes, she even edited my three novels (only a true friend would tackle such an undertaking). When we moved away, Laura’s home became our home-away-from-home on more occasions that I can count. Her door was always open. Granted time, distance, and yes, life has taken us on different paths, but it seems that whenever we are together, we just pick up where we left off.

Having said all that, it was Laura’s gift to Doug and I for our 34th wedding anniversary that is the common thread between my two thoughts. You see, the day I read about thinking of my heart as a greenhouse, I also read a poem that had been submitted to our local newspaper entitled, A Poem for Spring.

Kind hearts are gardens,
King thoughts are roots,
Kind words are flowers,
Kind deeds are fruits.

Take care of your garden,
Keep out the weeds,
Fill it with sunshine,
Kind words, and kind deeds.

Beautiful, isn’t it! But there’s more.

A moment ago, I alluded to a gift from Laura for our 34th wedding anniversary, but I never mentioned what it was. To support the old adage, A picture is worth a thousand words, I will let this picture speak for me. Words will not suffice!

may 23
Laura, thank you for the many years of friendship. When I look at your handcrafted, cross-stitched gift, you are never far from my thoughts. Jerry and Mary White are quite right. A worthwhile friendship does take effort, but it can be a great adventure along the way. We have proven that being and having a close friend, regardless of distance, time and life, can result in a “greenhouse of beautiful flowers.”

“Perfume and incense bring joy to the heart,
and the pleasantness of a friend springs from their heartfelt advice.”
Proverbs 27:9


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  1. Vicki Baptist

    So many friends went through my mind. Ruth Vold-Markle, was one. My face often looks like weeds and thorn but my heart is not
    Thankyou so much for sharing

    • Ruth Waring

      Vicki, isn’t it wonderful that God sees beyond our faces and sees our hearts! Admittedly, there are days when my face may reflect how I’m feeling physically, but that doesn’t mean my heart is weedy and thorny! Thanks for sharing your input. BTW, I just checked out Ruth Vold Markle (November 10, 2022 Gardener’s Journal) on the internet, assuming this is the person you referenced. I like her last comment, “We all need each other for success and joy in life!” Friends fit into that comment, for sure:)

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