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More Faith … Less Fear

Posted by on Jul 31, 2020 in Blog, Family, Food for Thought, Friends, Quotes | 4 comments

As we find ourselves in an ever-changing world, I must admit that my writing world has changed as well. I now write only for pleasure (my memoir), for purpose (prep for my Bible studies), and to bring thoughtful pause into someone’s life (my monthly blog). When I was writing my novels, I did not take time to read. While in the ‘writing zone,’ not only was time precious, but I did not want to be influenced by another author’s work as I developed my characters and plot. I wanted to leave my mind open to my own ideas. But more so, as a follower of Christ, I wanted to be open to the leading of the Holy Spirit. I am now enjoying the luxury of reading, having read seven books over the past two months.

Just the other day a friend shared that she wishes she was a reader and struggles to “find the time to read.” I shared with her a principle that I learned through my writing experience: You will never find the time to write (in her case, read); you have to make the time. I realize that we are all made differently: interests vary, and personal pursuits can be as different as sunsets. But even so, there is much truth in the principle I shared with my friend. It’s a principle that can be applied to any aspect of our lives because it offers an opportunity to make a change in how we are living, such as making time to/for ________!

Certainly, these past months have found all of us making changes in how we live. Some of those changes come willingly—like making time to read! Other changes are made reluctantly and, for some, a reluctance that is clouded in fear when those changes are made over which there is no control.

FAITH fearRecently, a friend acknowledged with a smile that he was excited with what is happening in the world today. I admired his excitement, knowing that it was based on his faith in God’s sovereignty. This remark was countered by another friend who said she was afraid. As though to exemplify this fear, Paul David Tripp states in New Morning Mercies that, “Faith isn’t natural for us. Doubt is, fear is, and pride is…faith is frankly a counterintuitive way for us to live.” He goes on to say that, “faith isn’t something you can work up inside yourself. Faith comes to you as God’s gift of grace.”

Despite being a believer in Jesus Christ as the Son who is “the radiance of God’s glory” (Hebrews 1:3), I admit that I, too, can struggle with my faith in God’s sovereignty, especially during these uncertain times. In my heart I know that the challenges I face each day are God’s tools to build my faith (1 Peter 1:7). That living a life of faith is an ongoing process. That living a life of faith involves persevering, enduring, and not losing heart when things become difficult. It involves trusting God to do what’s best for me. Even so, my human spirit struggles, and I am left wondering if my Christian testimony is weakened when my faith and trust in God wavers.

But then, once again, God proves Himself faithful! Even in my weakness, He has not abandoned me; His love for me goes beyond all measure! His Word helps me understand the importance of maintaining my faith, of hanging on when doubt and fear take hold, of believing that He is in control.

Hebrews 12:1 describes not only my need to maintain my walk of faith, but how I should live it: I am to consider it a race! “Let us run with perseverance the race that is set before us.” One author simplifies it this way: “The runner has his eyes on the winner’s prize, and despite nagging temptations to slacken the pace, he refuses to let up until he crosses the finish line.” That is how I must maintain my walk of faith: to run the race before me with perseverence!greg

My son-in-law is a runner and has been for several years. His many ribbons and retired running shoes testify to the fact that he “refuses to let up until he crosses the finish line.” There is no doubt that he experiences a sense of personal reward and satisfaction when he completes the race. Not only has his commitment and sacrifice brought him victory, he has benefited from the physical exercise.

In the same way, but so much more, is our race of faith. John McArthur reminds us that “the Christian life is a commitment to run with endurance to victory. It demands discipline, it demands a certain kind of rigid care, it demands a self-sacrifice, a self-denial.” We experience varying degrees of discouragement, fear, and doubt, even questioning if we can survive our current struggle that is testing our faith. But God’s Word promises us that through the marathon race of life, through our commitment and self-sacrifice, and through His loving discipline, we are rewarded the great prize of “sharing in his holiness” (Hebrews 12:10).

In My Utmost for His Highest Oswald Chambers states that, “faith by its very nature must be tried.” But by believing steadfastly in God, “all you come up against will develop your faith”  because “faith is unutterable trust in God.”

Go ahead and read that book, but take a moment and fill in the blank above. Perhaps, like me, you may find yourself needing to make a change in how you are living. Perhaps it involves walking more by faith and less by fear. Perhaps you may need to buy a new pair of running shoes!

“…let us run with perseverance the race that is set before us,
looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith.”
Hebrews 12:1


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  1. Greg

    Faith over fear … right after the great faith chapter, we are told to set aside everything that ensnares us (fear of a virus?) and run the race set before us (currently includes a virus) with our eyes fixed on Jesus.

    Maybe more reading will mean less time watching the news?? Now that would throw off an encumberment!

    BTW, that would make a good T-shirt 😀

    • Ruth Waring

      Thanks for your insight, Greg. One of the advantages of being ‘isolated’ away from TV here at MBC is not being bombarded by strong opinions on bias news channels that mislead the public. And, I like the idea of “making time” for a good t-shirt!

  2. Heather Joyes.

    Sorry for the mix-up in previous post. During these times our faith can be tested wondering what lies ahead. Deut. 31:8 reminds me once more to stay in the Word as our faith is increased. God is with us. He provides comfort, love and courage.

    Good post Ruth.

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