SHARING and CARING…it’s what LIFE is all about!

And Then There was Light!

Posted by on Feb 26, 2017 in Blog, Food for Thought | 6 comments

Two stories. One lesson.

The alarm was set for 3:10 a.m. Saturday morning and, thankfully, it was on Doug’s phone and not the bedside clock. He rolled over and slept for another ten minutes before getting up and doing what we all need to do when our feet hit the floor after a night’s sleep. Then it was my turn. “Can you leave on the light, please.” I called from our bedroom, wondering why he left the bathroom in darkness. “I can’t. The hydro’s out,” came the reply.

Good grief! Not only was it pouring rain, but it was now very dark in our second floor apartment and we had a few more items to put into the car before closing up our home for a month.

I lit two candles and Doug propped open our door to let in the emergency lighting from the hallway. Not many minutes passed before that light went out and the hallway was pitch black. With a candle in hand, Doug inched things out into the stairwell beside our apartment and took things to the ground floor… very quietly and very carefully.

Can you picture the scene?

Half an hour later, with Doug in the car, I did the last thing that needed doing: putting two ice cubes in my orchid plant. And then suddenly there was light! What a relief! I checked things once more, made sure the candles were out then closed and locked the door. As I made my way very quietly down the stairwell to our car, I smiled. I was remembering a lesson I’d learned just the day before, a lesson that still keeps me smiling.

And that leads me to tell you story number two.

I co-teach a ladies’ Bible study with a very special friend. We alternate weeks and it was Blanche’s lesson to teach as we closed our winter sessions. We were using my laptop to facilitate the use of a DVD, and I hooked things up, as usual. But things didn’t happen, as usual! Computer connected? Yes. Video working? No problem. But the sound? Nothing. I checked all the equipment, even making sure the volume on my laptop was not on mute. Everything seemed fine. I reinserted the DVD three times and finally rebooted my computer, believing that was the source of the poor connection. All to no avail. I told Blanche: “And I’m not going to ask one of the men to help us.” (We had to do that a few weeks earlier and, fortunately—for our pride’s sake—even they’d had a problem!) As it turned out, I was very glad I never asked for their help.

Aware of time moving close to the start of our study and Blanche’s growing anxiety, I stood back and studied the situation and discovered the problem. All the plugs were plugged into their various outlets … all, except the one to the speaker! And we both had a good laugh. I plugged in the cord and we were connected and ready to go, but not before I facetiously said to Blanche, “I suppose that’s what happens when you’re not plugged into the power source.” And then I smiled, adding, “There’s got to be a spiritual lesson in here somewhere.”

And here’s the lesson, at least the one I learned. We need to be constantly connected to our Power Source—God, Himself— to keep from falling and stumbling as we live our life. When the connection to the power source is broken beyond our control—such as hydro failure—we may find ourselves in darkness and at the mercy of the situation. However, when we are in control of a situation, too often we neglect to ensure that we are, indeed, connected—that all the plugs are plugged in—and this can lead to our stumbling about, frustrated.

Adam's and God's fingers are not touching. It gives the impression that God, the giver of life—the Power—who is reaching out to Adam who has yet to receive it.

Adam’s and God’s fingers are not touching. It gives the impression that God, the giver of life—the Power—is reaching out to Adam who has yet to receive it.

Simply put… we need to stay plugged into God if we want to honour Him in our endeavours, always checking and rechecking to be sure the connection is secure.

But I’d better go now. My computer battery is very low and I need to plug it into the power source. After all, I don’t want to lose my connection!

“I am able to do all things in Him who gives me power.”
Philippians 4:13


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  1. Susan Duke

    Great story. Safe journey…enjoy the sun.

    • Ruth Waring

      Thanks, Susan. Our journey is safe thus far although when we left on Saturday we went through rain,a tornado warning and hail like we’ve never seen. We were very glad to arrive without incident at our son’s home. So far no sunshine, but maybe tomorrow when we get to Savannah. Love you!

  2. Ruth Coghill

    Thanks for the reminder Ruth. No wonder we sometimes lack the power!!

    • Ruth Waring

      The reminder goes both ways, Ruth. I needed it, too. I don’t want to admit how many times I remain unplugged and try to do things in my own strength. Appreciate your comments.

  3. Lois Barron

    Thanks Ruth – Very good thoughts. Enjoy your vacation. We love it here in North Carolina and see God’s hand everywhere.

    • Ruth Waring

      Thanks, Lois. Appreciate your interest in my blog! We are enjoying Florida. Warm. Sunny. A bit windy but there is no snow!! Glad you are enjoying NC. See you in the spring!

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